Children and Families Act, Sept 2014
In September 2014, the Children and Families Act was passed as law.
See what this will mean to you by visiting the following websites:
Education, Health and Care Plan
The ‘New’ Statement Plan
This plan replaces the old ‘Statement’ when the new Childrens and Families Act came into effect. Visit the websites below to see how this may impact you.
Personal Budgets
A Personal Budget is the clear, up-front total amount of funding allocated by a particular service (social care/health/education) to meet the assessed support needs of a particular child. It is used to purchase the services and support required by a disabled child to meet their specific requirements and to live a more independent life.
Post 16+ Transition
What next?
What happens when your child reaches school leaving age?
Visit the links below to see how your local authority manages your child’s future options: